Friday, February 13, 2009

Why Write?

I do not write to be famous. I write to communicate Truth that can transform human lives. No matter what our age or stage, each one of us can learn, grow and change. It is my aim that this change would consistently be for the better. Excellent writing should engender and motivate, in writer and reader, maturity and positive transformation resulting in a life that reflects ever more intimately the image of our Creator, Jesus Christ.

The Olympic motto, Swifter, Higher, Stronger, targets physical excellence. It sets the standard participating athletes are to pursue. However, as we’ve witnessed in recent examples, physical prowess is no guarantee of character.

In the pursuit of a transformed life, it is imperative to move away from the base desires of human nature: the lust for money, pleasure and control. Instead, Philippians 4:8 guides us to focus our attention on what is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely and of good report. This sets the standard we are to pursue. This alone reflects virtue and deserves praise.

As the Apostle Paul challenged Timothy in his second letter, it is also my desire to “fan into flame the gift of God“ and to do so fearlessly, in a spirit of love and self-discipline (2 Tim 1:6-7). For though I speak with the tongue of men and of angels and have not love, it profits me nothing. (1 Corinthians 13).

We have all seen those who were fearless but obnoxious. Without love, truth is as abrasive as a crashing cymbal. Without self-discipline, we exceed our boundaries and credibility is lost. Perfect love casts out fear, a fearless life sheds light on difficult issues and self-discipline ensures the work meets the highest standard, without compromise. Transformation is a continuous improvement process that catches fire. First with the writer, then the reader.

Amen and amen. So help me God.

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